Welcome to the Pool!

THIS PAGE IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION!! It will be for a while, but at some point it'll look substantive and actually have things in it. Like proper things. I should do some Doctor Who things... some Star Trek things... some things about my comics.

All of this yet to come!

Good news! This site is now legible on small screens! Turns out if you set your div widths with the 'max-width' property in the main code, using just 'width' in your @media query... does nothing. Who'd've thunk. Anyway now everything is max-width'd out so it should work now.

Current Vortex

My comic, Breaker, and getting a site up and running for it.

Sorry I've sort of dropped off the radar recently, I'm in the busiest semester I've had so far and I'm wiped. I'll try to make some basic adjustments though!

The shark's name is Brian by the way! His brother is Bryan. No they don't get confused, sharks have intuition like that. They just know.